Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chasing Nikki by Lacey Weatherford

When Chase submerges himself in drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of his father's sudden death, he starts a tailspin into darkness. The once wonderful high school football player has quit the team and started doing nothing but partying. When he gets stopped late one night, on the way home from a party, and arrested, his mother decides it's time to do something drastic. She makes Chase move with her to his grandparents farm in small town nowhere. That's where Chase meets Nikki. His salvation. His angel. Now he just has to get her to realize that she wants him as much as he needs her.

Tear jerker anyone?

I loved this novel. It made me think "You idiot!" It made me smile. It definitely made me cry. This is a beautifully written novel with wonderful descriptions of the area and people. There are no 2D characters in this novel. They all wrap you up in their own personalities. Nikki is sweet and beautiful. Chase is hurt and confused and wonderful. This is a story of love and hope.

Stars- 5
Passion- 1
Length- 336 pages

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