Friday, January 20, 2012

His Wife for a While by Donna Fasano

Ben is going to lose Reed's Orchard unless he marries within 21 days, according to his grandfather's will.
Chelsea wants a baby more than anything in the world. She proposes to Ben that they get married so he can keep his orchard - with one stipulation; Ben has to get her pregnant and then sign over his parental rights when they divorce.

I thought this book would have been a lot better if there was more to the story. It was too short and resolved too easily because of it. Chelsea won't let anyone in and doesn't trust Ben even though she's in love with him but when he says he loves her she just jumps on board. It should have been drawn out more with her growing to trust him or making him show her more or something. I don't know. It was just lacking. I can't really put my finger on it. I also would have liked to hear more from Ben. He was just kind of thrown in there occasionally. Majority of the story was told from Chelsea's perspective, which would have been fine if Ben was actually in the story more. This was a simple love story that was in no way remarkable.

Stars- 2
Passion- 1
Length-144 pages

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